How to paint a landscape on pebbles

A mini-tutorial of this miniature painting

We can paint landscapes on canvas, cardboard, wood... Why not on pebbles? The surface to be worked is smaller and allows you to learn at low cost... Some experienced artists create real works of art : Why not you ?

This mini-tutorial is taken from a Youtube video that you can find here. AnnaMoon is an artist who publishes initiation videos. Don't hesitate to subscribe to her youtube channel!

By following step by step this tutorial, you should get a result like this one :

This cat whose silhouette stands out in the moonlight is very evocative of long summer evenings and with just a little care you will imitate it by adding your personal touch!


The material to be collected

Very little material for this pebble painting tutorial...

A pebble...

The one used by Anna is white carrara marble that you can find without any problem in a large garden center (garden design department). Otherwise, any pebble found at the seaside is suitable: you will paint it beforehand with white paint ...

Acrylic colors in tube...

Anna used only white, midnight blue and black... If you don't have any at home, you can find a complete set of 6 tubes HERE for less than 20$. This is study quality paint for artists, so it's very cheap.


A flat brush and several round brushes of different sizes

I found on Amazon a complete set of 7 brushes and brushes for less than 10$... Look HERE

A little tip, especially for round brushes: do not leave them soaking indefinitely in the rinse water container because they will become irreparably deformed, the bristles will bend and become difficult to use.

It is best to shake them in a jar of clear water and wipe them with a cloth immediately. You will keep your brushes for a long time by doing so.

Acrylics markers

It is an interesting alternative to acrylic colors and brushes: cheap, good covering colors... Many amateurs of painting on pebbles use them... Think about it

A work area and small equipment

You can protect it with old newspapers, some paper towels, clean cloths, a cardboard plate or a color palette ...


The mini-tutorial

If you wish to download the pdf of this tutorial, click on the image!


And don't forget to paint, with a fine brush, the cat's whiskers ! !


Original creations...

Here are a few examples of pebble painted landscapes (you can search for more examples on Pinterest by typing Rock painting landscapes or Landscaping With Rocks... Here are some of them...

It's just to make you want to paint it!

This last landscape was painted on "raw rock" ...

And this marvellous broken-pebble-egg-landscape!

To your brushes !